Ports & Harbours – Page 37

  • News

    Ageing lock gates replaced on Rochdale Canal


    The Canal & River Trust in the UK has begun maintenance work on Lock 86 on the 200 year old Rochdale Canal.

  • Boskalis Westminster has deployed the dredger Manu Pekka to deepen part of the access channel to the container terminal

    ABP undertakes dredging at Southampton


    Associated British Ports (ABP) recently awarded Boskalis Westminster a contract to widen and deepen a critical part of the access channel to the container terminal operated by DP World Southampton.

  • News

    Strategic plan launched for Shannon Estuary


    Details have been announced of a major strategic plan for the future development and management of marine-related industry and tourism along Ireland’s largest estuary, the Shannon Estuary.

  • News

    Commercial harbours dredging priority


    Leisure harbours at Moray in Scotland will not be dredged for at least two years when a new council owned dredger will be in service, councillors there have been told.

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    Work under way on new dock in Orkney Islands


    The Orkney Islands Council says work is well underway at the Copland’s Dock development in Stromness.

  • News

    Repair work underway on De Blauwe Dromer


    Repair work on the De Blauwe Dromer lock near Zeewolde/Harderwijk in The Netherlands is making steady progress according to consultant Deltares, and a temporary dam required to do the work safely has been installed.

  • News

    Iv-Groep wins prize for lock gates


    Iv-Groep in The Netherlands won an InfraTech Innovation Prize in the Applied Innovation category for its work on the new lock gates for the Panama Canal.

  • CIRIA is looking to update guidance on the use of masonry walls

    CIRIA to update waterfront walls publication


    The Construction Industry Research & Information Association (IRIA) in the UK is planning to update the publication, ‘Old Waterfront Walls – management, maintenance and rehabilitation’ (1992).

  • Partrac has been involved in a number of important projects in the last 12 months

    Sediment surveys underpin top trading year


    Geomarine consultant Partrac has reported a busy 2012 as it enters its 10th year of trading.

  • News

    Plans for world’s longest floating bridge


    Construction of what would be the world’s longest combined floating/cable-stayed bridge is being proposed in Trondheim, Norway.

  • News

    Public consultation launched on Exe Estuary


    The Environment Agency in the UK is launching a public consultation on future plans for managing tidal flood risk and coastal erosion around the shores of the Exe Estuary.

  • News

    Construction starts on Waasland canal berths


    Construction work has started on a new 645m quay at the head of the Waasland canal, in the Antwerp port area on the left bank.

  • .On is moving to minimise the disruption to areas like Tottington Mount by the Rampion wind farm connections

    Rampion wind farm responds to ‘concerns’


    The proposal for the Rampion offshore wind farm in the English Channel has been withdrawn after energy company E.On said that the development proposal needed more work before it went before the Planning Inspectorate.

  • News

    Gateways to efficiency


    Finland based Cargotec is helping emerging ports in Brazil develop land-side efficiency at an increasing rate.

  • Work on the Blackfriars bridge with pontoon barges in place

    River transport begets Blackfriars transformation


    A transformation that many Londoners have been looking at with interest is the Blackfriars Bridge and Network Rail redevelopment, but even those watching may have underestimated the pivotal role of the River Thames.

  • News

    Highs and lows for mooring system


    A specially adapted automated mooring system will certainly be facing both highs and lows.

  • The RNLI installation has been almost unaffected by weather and heavy use

    A gripping tale of pontoon performance


    A pontoon deck made of fibreglass grating serves the RNLI well. It has been almost unaffected by a decade and a half of weather and heavy use on sites such as Weymouth, East Dunmore and Fenit in the UK.

  • Trelleborg compression tests fenders

    When cheap isn’t cheerful


    Fenders containing high levels of recycled rubber are a poor substitute for the genuine article, Richard Hepworth of Trelleborg Marine Systems tells Maritime Journal, despite labels saying PIANC approved.

  • Kedar Consulting has an innovative fender design which spreads reaction force (view from above)

    Novel fender design promises increased capability


    Existing berthing structures can be strained by an increasing vessel deadweight, but a new idea might give a longer life to older quays.

  • Caen Hill marina is now up and running

    Simple and cost effective marina plan


    The recently opened 250 berth inland marina at Caen Hill in Wiltshire UK for Land & Water Services was a large scale project, but one that needed to be kept simple.