Ports & Harbours – Page 32

  • News

    Ports of Jersey berth project completed


    UK based marina consultancy, Marina Projects Ltd has completed the refurbishment of the Fishermen’s Berths’ project on St Helier, Jersey, within both programme and budget constraints.

  • The Port of Cherbourg will dedicate almost 250 acres of land to the marine renewable energy sector

    €100m marine energy boost for Cherbourg


    Ports of Normandy Authority (PNA) is forging ahead with the extension of the Quai des Flamands in Cherbourg.

  • Stour dries out at Porthdinllaen

    Good progress on new RNLI station works


    UK workboat operator Jenkins Marine has been helping Bam Nuttall construct a new lifeboat station at Porthdinllaen for the RNLI.

  • Gasum is Finland's natural gas transmission system operator (Gasum)

    Finland LNG terminal one step closer


    Finnish gas supply company Gasum Oy’s proposal for an LNG import terminal in southern Finland has received a boost with acceptance of the environmental impact assessment report.

  • News

    Shipyard developments in Toulon


    Monaco Marine Group has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Port of Toulon Authority to development a part of Toulon harbour as a facility for the construction and repair of large yachts.

  • News

    Funding for storm damaged harbours


    An extra £3m has been allocated by the Scottish Government for repairing damage to fishing harbours damaged by storms late in 2012.

  • Colombia has a history of flooding damage from La Nina (Royal HaskoningDHV)

    Flood control contract for Royal HaskoningDHV


    A major Colombian flood control contract has been awarded Netherlands based Royal HaskoningDHV, aimed at preventing a repeat of the catastrophic La Niña disaster in 2010.

  • News

    Bids for Oostende beach replenishment


    Bidders have been invited to submit tenders for the contract to replenish areas of beaches at Oostende in Belgium.

  • One of the gates is lowered into the seabed housing structure (Salve)

    Venice flood barriers put to the test


    An important milestone with the project to protect Venice from flooding from high tides has passed with successful testing of four floodgates.

  • Brunsbuettel improves quayside

    Brunsbuettel completes berth renovation


    Brunsbuettel Ports Elbehafen in north Germany has completed pier renovation and strengthening works costing €10m and part of a €20m infra and super-structure expansion programme aimed at improving the port’s deepwater handling capability.

  • New berths for fishing hub Buesum

    Buesum eliminates berth bottlenecks


    Fishing fleet berthing bottlenecks which have plagued the small German North Sea port of Buesum in recent years have been eliminated with the completion of a new quay.

  • Rising sea levels threaten many coastal communities in the Thames estuary (Peter Barker)

    Bidding starts to protect London from floods


    The Environment Agency has started a bidding process for a multi-million pound contract to manage London’s tidal flood risk.

  • A view of the piers

    Sundsvall Bridge sections’ maritime challenge


    There’s no doubt that the Sundsvall Bridge, Sweden, is going to be striking.

  • APMT’s Bremerhaven terminal is prepared for the Triple-E. Photo: Maersk

    European ports ready for the Maersk giants


    European container ports are now gaining first-hand experience of Maersk’s Triple-E container ships with delivery and entry into service of Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller, first of twenty such vessels on order.

  • The Halle Nord site is the latest step in the northern extension of the Port of Brake

    Demand drives Brake port extension


    The Weser port of Brake is inaugurating a new warehouse complex, the Halle Nord, this month

  • News

    Busy year for QuayQuip


    UK based fender supply company QuayQuip may operate globally but this year they have been busy with orders closer to home on every Scottish coastline with work underway at Cairnryan, Fraserburgh and Sconser.

  • News

    Important marina development for Barcelona


    The Port of Barcelona has approved the awarding of a tender to build and operate a pleasure boat marina at the North Entrance Mouth, intended to be a key element in the maritime expansion of the area.

  • Over half of the cargo handled in Le Havre in 2012 was liquid bulk (Port of le Havre)

    Odfjell reserves land for Le Havre bulk liquid terminal


    Odfjell Terminals Europe has signed an agreement with Grand Port Maritime du Havre (GPMH) for the reservation of a plot of land to be developed into a bulk liquid terminal.

  • Flood protection will be provided for over 3,000 homes (Tendring Council)

    Essex sea defence scheme gets green light


    The UK Environment Agency (EA) has given the go-ahead for a £36m sea defence scheme for the Essex coast aimed at protecting over 3,000 homes for the next 100 years.

  • Borkum defences will protect an area historically vulnerable to storm damage

    Frisian islanders complete new storm barriers


    Officials on the German North Sea island of Borkum in the Ems Estuary have inaugurated new storm protection barriers after two and a half years of complex building.