Ports & Harbours – Page 21

  • Over £10 million is being invested at Prince Charles Wharf, Dundee

    Major investment in Dundee


    The Port of Dundee in Scotland is working on developing facilities in the port to create a centre for the de-commissioning of offshore oil assets from the North Sea.

  • Hanstholm Havn will be getting a new T-head breakwater

    Danish ports expand


    There is considerable expansion activity at Danish ports partly to cope with accommodating larger ships and partly to cope with increasing trade. Another spur for expansion has also come from the increased activity on wind farm construction in both the North and the Baltic Seas where Denmark has become a ...

  • Portsmouth Naval Base is getting a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant courtesy of BAE Systems

    Recycling plant will tackle high energy costs


    A UK naval port will benefit from reduced carbon footprint and energy costs following work to install a specialist recycling plant.

  • Sea Installer, Pacific Orca, MPI Discovery and MPI Resolution at Esbjerg

    Esbjerg: Ahead of the times


    “Generally, I’d say wind port operations should be so smooth their contribution goes almost unnoticed. Helping cargo to run through, just like water,” said Jesper Bank of the port of Esbjerg.

  • Gran Canaria Subsea and Offshore Base

    ABIS supports Spanish port development


    UK-based ABIS Holdings Energy Services will support the development and operation of an offshore supply base operating in the Port of Arinaga, on Spain’s Gran Canaria island.

  • The expansion to Lerwick Harbour will provide a significant boost to the Shetland economy

    New £16.5 million pier for Lerwick


    The biggest expansion yet to service port users at Lerwick Harbour, Shetland Islands, UK was officially opened in mid July.

  • PLA air quality strategy document cover

    Thames air quality research


    As air quality in cities worldwide, and the ticking time bomb it could represent for public health, rises to the top of many news agendas, the Port of London Authority (PLA) in the UK is working with the Mayor of London and Transport for London on new research to help ...

  • Klaksvik is the second largest town on the Faroe Islands, located on one of the Northern islands

    Marina build in demanding conditions


    Vileo Marinas of Finland has signed an agreement to supply the town of Klaksvik, on the Faroe Islands, with a small boat marina.

  • New 500m quay takes shape in Bremerhaven.

    Work starts on €30 Million Bremerhaven quay revamp


    A start has finally been made on the renewal of Bremerhaven’s derelict 110 year old Westkaje - a project which will also widen the German port’s Kaiserhafen III basin and ease vehicle handling

  • Heavy handling at revamped Port Knock pier (Photo: AG EMS).

    Solid Future tipped for Port Knock


    A solid future as an “ideal location” for heavy load component handling and offshore services is being tipped for Port Knock on Germany’s North Sea Ems Estuary.

  • The dredger 'Tiger' owned by Jan de Nul is working on the site

    Monaco expansion starts


    Work has started on the major land reclamation project planned for the state of Monaco. The project will add 6 hectares of valuable land to the tiny state and will be used for high rise apartments in additions to a variety of public facilities.

  • Briggs Marine facilities

    Briggs Marine expands at Liverpool port


    UK-owned marine contractor Briggs Marine has commissioned new waterside facilities in the Port of Liverpool.

  • Jackets were towed from Denmark in sets of three, the ideal answer was to keep them on their own, specially designed concrete barges. Photo: Fabian Hoppe

    Catching (and keeping) the wind


    Offshore wind turbines have trebled in size over a decade and another jump upward looks likely to come soon enough: so, how are ports responding to the step up in scale?

  • 'Pioneering Spirit' (left of centre) and transhipment moorings are visible in this aerial shot of Maasvlakte 2 (Van Oord)

    Maasvlakte 2 – what happened next


    Since 2009 ''MJ'' has been reporting on the Maasvlakte 2 port extension project in Rotterdam: celebrations surrounding completion of the infrastructure were only the end of the beginning however, let’s return for an update.

  • Hydro M Drive marine forklift

    Improved Hydro M launched


    The Hydro M Drive marine forklift line, developed in the US, has expanded with increased capacities up to 52,000 lbs and larger, alongside shorter wheelbase options to accommodate more marinas globally.

  • Brest is well placed as a centre for the renewables industry

    Brest developing for renewables


    The French port of Brest out on the West Coast is developing a new site in the port to be a base for the expected development of renewable energy projects in the sea areas adjacent to the port.

  • Kiel's Ostuferhafen

    Kiel expansion into fifth phase


    The long-running expansion of Kiel’s Ostuferhafen in Germany which is being funded by the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein out of its Forward Planning Programme: Economy (ZPW) and co-financed by the GRW – a community-based initiative aimed at improving regional economic structures, has entered what the port describes as its ‘fifth ...

  • Bridlington Harbour, the largest shellfish landing port in the UK

    Arup wins Bridlington design contract


    East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Bridlington Harbour Commissioners, UK have appointed internationally-renowned professional services firm Arup to undertake project design and pre-construction work for the Yorkshire Harbour and Marina Project at Bridlington.

  • Port of Waterford, Ireland (Image: Port of Waterford)

    Masterplan modelling


    ABPmer, a UK-headquartered numerical modelling and dredge specialist, has been commissioned by the Port of Waterford in Ireland to develop hydrodynamic and sediment models of the Waterford Estuary, as part of its Master Plan process.

  • 'Viking Star will be the first cruise ship to berth at Lerwick Port Authority’s new deep-water quay at Holmsgarth  (Photo: Rory Gillies, Shetland Flyer)

    New facilities for cruise industry at Lerwick


    The harbour at Lerwick, Shetland, UK has been provided with additional facilities to cater to the cruise industry which is expected to deliver another two record seasons, continuing a trend which saw record traffic in 2015 and 2016.