Offshore Renewables – Page 31
‘Super charger at sea’ goes on trial
Offshore wind farm charging options are gaining momentum with a new buoy that will offer mooring as well as charging for crew transfer vessels.
Sembcorp awarded Hornsea 2 maintenance contract
Hornsea 2, just off the UK coast, is one of the biggest offshore wind farms in the world - and it will be maintained by Sembcorp Marine under a new contract.
X1 Wind installs floating platform
A test floating platform for wind energy has been installed by X1Wind off the coast of Spain.
Wave energy trials exceed expectations by 20%
Sea trials of a prototype wave energy converter have shown encouraging results, exceeding expectations by 20%.
Boskalis to be delisted next week
The multi-discipline marine Dutch company, which has its roots in dredging, will go to an investment fund on November 9.
Sanmar develops electric bunkering system
Sanmar Shipyards has teamed up with an energy chain systems manufacturer to develop a shore ‘bunkering’ system for electric tugs.
Schottel to power world’s first hydrogen tug
Schottel has reported that its RudderPropeller thrusters will power the world’s first hydrogen-powered tug.
Cadeler signs letter of intent with unnamed firm
An unnamed ‘blue chip’ client and Cadeler have signed a letter of intent for a long-term wind farm installation.
Offshore wind programme opens
Technology accelerator programme teams innovation with marketability for the UK’s offshore wind sector
Exclusive: UK delegation sets off to US to talk wind
A UK delegation of offshore wind industry leaders and government officials has travelled to the US to talk to the government about commercial opportunities in offshore wind.
Hybrid vessel doubles up installation functions
Offshore wind farm installation is getting more efficient due to hybrid service vessels
Achieving tidal energy cost reduction
Tidal stream energy could dive to record low cost if opportunity is seized
New wave energy project launched
A new tidal energy project to be launched in Spain adds to a growing list of tidal energy schemes.
Lithuania to tap Baltic Sea offshore wind potential
The port city of Klaipeda in Lithuania has set out its intentions to make the most of offshore wind potential in the Baltic Sea.
Carbon capture at scale under trial
A joint project has been launched to investigate the onboard capture, storage and off-loading of carbon dioxide in what is thought to be a world first.
Subsea cable laid for HiWave-5 Project
A 6.2km subsea export cable has been laid off the coast of Portugal as part of the HiWave-5 Project to use wave energy for the grid.
Floating offshore wind pipeline doubles in 1 year
A report by Renewables UK reckons the global pipeline of floating offshore wind has project has more than doubled in 12 months.
iconsys develops offshore drive and automation
Work has commenced on a turnkey drive and automation solution for an offshore renewable energy application
Norway commits to 2050 fleet decarbonisation
Norway has committed to making its entire fleet of vessels – from small boats to commercial ships – carbon neutral by 2050.
First of four hybrid daughter craft launched
The Grace Darling is the first of its type specifically for the offshore wind market.