Series 5, Session 2 is your must-attend conference in Rotterdam.
Partnered with the Workboat Association and Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR). Learn about the latest in geopolitical challenges, confronting future skills gaps, and embracing OPEX efficiencies.
As a city central to global movements of people, objects, and ideas, Rotterdam’s identity is mirrored in the Wereldmuseum’s celebration of diverse cultures and histories - where better to network and engage with industry leaders?
Speaker Feature: Off to a flying start
Flying Fish are revolutionising the maritime industry with sustainable innovation, Gijsbert van Marrewijk, Co-founder/Director will be sharing his experiences in developing the SWIM hydrogen-electric Water Taxi for Rotterdam. How did they overcome the challenges in development and learn about the benefits through real-world case study data?
Gijsbert van Marrewijk, Co founder/Director, Flying Fish
Marrewijk has received multiple awards for his work in hydrofoil systems engineering. At Flying Fish, Gijsbert focuses on hydrofoil systems, Hydrogen electric propulsion, and strategies for future fleet development.
Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with speakers and network with key industry stakeholders. Session topics for this Get Set for Workboat 2050 1-day conference will include:
- Decarbonising North Sea Operations - Navigating the obstacles & unlocking the opportunities for the workboat sector
- Innovation Showcase ‘Buccaneer meets Industry’
- Future fuels and port infrastructure requirements
- Zero-emission workboats and future skills for the workforces
For more information on attending, sponsoring or speaking at this event contact