This 1-day conference will centre on ’Driving future efficiency with innovation, skills, fuels & infrastructure’.

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The ‘Get Set for Workboat 2050’ series of conferences deal with decarbonisation and improving OPEX efficiencies. 

In partnership with The Workboat Association and the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners, Session 2 of the current series takes place in Rotterdam.  The Dutch commercial marine and workboat sector offers many diverse elements and is one of the largest and busiest in Europe.

Join the 1 day conference to gain insights and updates from leading experts as the industry navigates geopolitical challenges, confronts future skills gaps, and embraces OPEX efficiencies. It also offers a great opportunity to meet and network with colleagues, old and new.

The programme will include:

  • Decarbonising North Sea Operations - Navigating the obstacles & unlocking the opportunities for the workboat sector
  • Innovation Showcase ‘Buccaneer meets Industry’
  • Future fuels and port infrastructure requirements
  • Zero-emission workboats and future skills for the workforces


For more information on attending, speaking at, or sponsoring our ‘Get Set for Workboat 2050’ conference series, please contact the team on +44 1329 825335 or email