News 2-10 – Page 74

  • The Hull vane system uses a hydrofoil mounted aft

    RINA award for Hull Vane


    The 2016 Maritime Innovation Award from the Royal Institution of Naval Architects has been awarded to the patented energy saving and seakeeping device Hull Vane from Netherlands- headquartered naval architects Van Oossanen.

  • C.S. Sovereign

    Scilly Isles power cable repaired


    A damaged power cable connecting the Scilly Isles, off South West England, to electricity on the UK mainland, has been repaired by a CWind DPS-2 vessel.

  • 'MPI Discovery' is a state-of-the-art offshore installation vessel

    Rampion collaboration


    UK’s MPI Offshore and its parent company, Vroon Offshore Services (Netherlands) recently collaborated to provide offshore services for the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm off the south coast of England.

  • ASV Global Mission Control

    Autonomous mission control


    Mark Garnier MP, UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, has opened a state-of-the-art Mission Control Centre developed by autonomous vessel technology developer, ASV Global, at its headquarters in Portchester, UK.

  • Tuomas Riski, CEO of Norsepower

    Norshipping gong for wind propulsion pioneer


    Tuomas Riski, CEO of Norsepower, has been announced as the winner of Nor-Shipping’s coveted Young Entrepreneur Award 2017. The 38 year-old Finn was chosen from a final shortlist that included Joel Spark, Co-Founder of Spire, Xeneta CEO Patrik Berglund, and Christine Spiten, Co-Founder of Blueye Robotics.

  • Arnout Damen (CCO, Damen Shipyards Group) and Patricia Rüf (Member of the board of Liebherr-International) AG

    30-year relationship


    The partnership between Damen Shipyards and leading crane manufacturer Liebherr was celebrated with the announcement that Damen has ordered its 110th crane from Liebherr.

  • George Ward is head of Cyber defence and education at the eMaritime Group

    How your commercial vessel could already have been cyber-attacked


    According to George Ward at eMaritime Group, part of UK maritime training provider ECDIS Limited, you have been either hacked... or just didn’t know you have been hacked.

  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory believes that MPAs and other spatial protection measures provide benefits to the blue economy

    Marine protected areas – benefit or challenge?


    A commonly held concern about Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is that they may constrain the blue economy as it continues to grow, especially as their designation looks set to increase.

  • Chris Loizou: “The millennial generation hasn’t got the innate reservation of the older one when it comes to believing everything on the screen”

    Chris Loizou: Orolia


    According to Chris Loizou of Orolia, the France-headquartered parent of the McMurdo brand, the central issue is no longer a lack of trust in technology: times have changed so much that the problem is often quite the reverse.

  • News

    ALE breaks the 3,000 metric ton mark


    A new world record of more than 3,000 metric tons has been set for the heaviest commercial load ever to be lifted by a land-based mobile crane.

  • News

    Trinity House joins Maritime UK


    Since the publication of the Maritime Growth Study, Maritime UK has become the promotional body for the UK maritime sector, bringing together for the first time the UK shipping, ports, marine and business service sectors. UK navaids provider Trinity House has become Maritime UK''s 15th member.

  • News

    Repair acquisition


    Keppel Verolme shipyard in the Rotterdam Botlek area is being sold to Damen Shipyards Group allowing it to repair and convert larger vessels in the Port of Rotterdam

  • Over 80% of losses arise from ten causes

    Human error accounts for 75% of marine liability losses


    While huge strides continue to be made in improving marine safety, human error remains, by far, the most important factor in marine liability claims and losses, according to Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) in its Global Claims Review: Liability in Focus.

  • The CWind CTV fleet now totals 18

    ‘CWind Phantom’


    Last week, at Meridian Quay in Grimsby, UK offshore wind service company CWind officially named its new vessel, the ‘CWind Phantom’.

  • Venice’s cruise passenger terminal has been acquitted in a passenger bridge design lawsuit Photo: VTP

    VTP acquitted in design plagiarism lawsuit


    Venezia Terminal Passeggeri (VTP), Venice’s cruise passenger terminal, has been acquitted in a passenger bridge design lawsuit.

  • News

    IUMI reports continued increase in frequency of major vessel casualties


    Statistics released at the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) Annual Spring meeting in Hamburg have raised a series of issues that will continue to challenge marine underwriters for the foreseeable future.

  • News

    MaRINET call


    The MaRINET2 project has invited offshore energy technology developers, including wind, wave and tidal energy at system and component level, to apply for research support until 20th May 2017.

  • The potential to bring the tanks back into use has been looked at on a number of occasions over the years

    New life for underground storage tanks


    Orkney Islands Council and Scapa Flow Asset Management Limited have signed an agreement providing access to the wartime oil tanks at Lyness, off the North coast of Scotland.

  • Netwave’s latest model VDR, the NW-6000, offers vessel owners and operators advanced features for remote monitoring and optimisation of ship performance

    Monitoring and safety acquisition


    French navigation and positioning expert, Orolia has entered into an agreement to acquire the Dutch monitoring and safety specialist, Netwave Systems.

  • Armitt project managed the operational communication, vessel agency and chartering

    Armitt heavy lift project


    The Armitt Group has removed two 1050 metric tonne ship un-loaders from the former Tilbury power station located on the Thames in the UK.