News 2-10 – Page 73

  • Loran C transmitter

    GPS vulnerability questioned after cyber attacks


    The recent spate of cyber attacks around the World has focussed attention on how vulnerable GPS could be from similar attacks. GPS is considered to be a public utility these days ranking alongside gas and electricity supplies and it is now a vital component of transport and financial markets.

  • Grimsby east port

    Investment brings larger vessels to Grimsby east port


    A £1.85m investment into the refurbishment of the slipway at Port of Grimsby east includes a boat hoist able to accommodate vessels up to 600 tonnes.

  • Steel cutting

    Production begins for low-emission London ferries


    Production of two low-emission Woolwich ferries for Transport for London (TFL) has begun at the Rementowa shipyard in Gdansk, Poland.

  • Olav Einar Rygg, Export Credit Norway’s director of lending for the ocean industries

    Government funded retrofit finance


    Following the IMO ratifications of the ballast water and exhaust gas treaties, government-owned Export Credit Norway is offering financing to international vessel owners who purchase retrofit equipment from Norwegian suppliers.

  • News

    Strong throughput at Hamburg


    In the first quarter of 2017, Germany’s Port of Hamburg’s total throughput was up by 1.7 percent at 35.4 million tons. Growth in Germany’s largest universal port was therefore slightly above the average 1.6 percent for the other major North Range ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Bremen/Bremerhaven.

  • The Life Cell is a flotation device which brings together all safety equipment in one handy kit

    Safety kit initiative for UK fishermen


    A new initiative aims to provide local fishermen operating out of coastal locations in the UK with essential safety equipment in line with Marine and Coastguard Agency guidance for fishing vessel operators who fish near windfarms.

  • ‘Elllida Array’ has been converted to ‘DSV Callan’

    New era pushes CTV change


    The new High Speed Offshore Service Craft (HSOSC) draft rules are already having an impact, Andy Page of Alicat Marine Design told MJ.

  • Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm

    Monster turbines turning


    Burbo Bank Extension, a new offshore windfarm boasting the first commercial use of record-setting 8MW turbines, was officially opened at a ceremony in Liverpool, UK in May.

  • News

    SeaRenergy adds CMID to its services


    German wind industry service provider SeaRenergy has further extended its services in the offshore wind business and is now offering CMID´s (Common Marine Inspection Documents).

  • Thunder Child is powered by a pair of Caterpillar C12.9 turbocharged, supercharged and intercooler diesel engines producing 1,000hp each

    Safehaven record attempt


    Commercial marine vessel builder Safehaven Marine is planning a new world record attempt this July circumnavigating the entire island of Ireland taking in another island on the way – Rockall – which lies almost 500km northwest of Ireland.

  • 'Sea Breeze' safely moored in the River Fal (Photo: Graeme Ewens)

    Looking for a place of refuge


    The recent episode off Lands End, UK, in which a disabled coaster was taken in tow by two RNLI lifeboats in the absence of a dedicated salvage tug points up the continuing demands to reinstate the four Emergency Towing Vessels (ETVs) that were once based at strategic locations around the ...

  • “We developed the initial design, then we built and tested it – too thin. So we started again. This time too heavy... and so we did it again. And again.”

    The unbreakable dreams of Bruno Tideman


    “There we were, three of us, trying to break up this old fuel tank with a sledgehammer. We even took a forklift to it,” said Bruno Tideman, of Tideman boats. “I thought, ‘if after all that we’ve only managed a few dents and scratches, this material would be ideal for ...

  • The Port of Antwerp is actively seeking a new investor for Churchill Dock

    Port of Antwerp seeks new investor


    The Port of Antwerp is actively seeking a new investor for its 88-hectare site at the Churchill dock and has formerly launched an international Request for Proposals.

  • The Workshops brought together an international group of experts armed with the latest knowledge

    Maritime professionals ask the hard questions


    Over 80 maritime professionals attended two unique one day events focussed on the sub IMO / sub 24 metre sector in Southampton, UK this April.

  • CMAL's Oban ferry terminal- protected by CCTV

    Integrated CCTV system for port and ferry terminal security


    Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) provide efficient, cost-effective harbour and port infrastructure services for operators and communities in and around Scotland, UK. The company owns and manages 26 ports, harbours and slipways, as well as the infrastructure necessary for vital ferry services serving the West coast of Scotland and the ...

  • DEME Randstad award

    DEME wins most attractive employer award


    Dredging, environmental and marine engineering company DEME has won ‘The Randstad Award’ for most attractive employer in Belgium at the recruitment group’s 2017 employer brand seminar.

  • Pollution device testing in the wave tank at MARIN

    MARIN seeking increased research funding


    The leading Dutch marine research centre MARIN (Maritime Research Institute ) is seeking more funding for what it claims is its vital research work. The Institute says that unless the government reverses a steady drop in research funding, the country will lose its status as a leader in maritime know-how ...

  • The Queensferry Crossing, forms the centrepiece of a crucial upgrade to the transport across the Firth of Forth (Photo: Transport Scotland with permission)

    Fleet disposal opportunities as Forth Bridge nears completion


    The new Forth Road Bridge, (Scotland, UK) known as the Queensferry Crossing is nearing completion allowing the construction consortium to release some of its floating plant onto the market.

  • ‘Seacat Courageous’ has recently been upgraded

    HS-OSC craft


    UK-based offshore energy support vessel operator, Seacat Services, has completed its latest investment in its fleet, launching two vessels with the capacity for 24 industrial personnel – the newly-accepted ‘Seacat Enterprise’, and the upgraded ‘Seacat Courageous’.

  • News

    Orolia acquires Netwave


    Orolia, the France-headquartered specialist in Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solutions, has annopunced the successful acquisition of Netwave Systems, a Netherlands-based company located in Zoetermeer.