News 2-10 – Page 71

  • Europe has added 6.1 GW of extra wind energy capacity in 2017 but this is concentrated in three countries

    Europe adds 6.1 GW of wind energy capacity


    Europe has added 6.1 GW of extra wind energy capacity in the first half of 2017 putting it on course for a bumper year for installations, albeit mainly in Germany, the UK and France.

  • Denmark’s Tuco Marine is about to launch a remote WFSV

    The future of WFSVs


    What will the wind support vessels of the future look like? Stevie Knight finds out that it’s all surprisingly close.

  • Jayesh Vir: “Be transparent and try to educate the customer about what is technically achievable – and what is not”.

    Jayesh Vir: SAFT battery systems


    Over the last couple of years French specialist company SAFT has supplied battery systems for a number of hybrids, including, notably, the ''Sir David Attenborough'' research ship, CalMac’s ro-ro ferries and even megayachts “where you can’t ask for a couple of centimetres more space without ending the discussion” Jayesh Vir ...

  • SAL Type 116

    Harren & Partner acquires SAL Heavy Lift


    Germany-based Harren & Partner has acquired German carrier SAL Heavy Lift from Japanese-owned “K” Line.

  • The fast moving Workshop style programme brings together an international group of experts

    Sub-IMO vessel workshops


    A series of three one day NEXT GENERATION Workshops covering safety, fast vessel procurement and shock mitigation related subjects are being held back to back at the Grand Harbour Southampton, UK on 24, 25, 26 October 2017.

  • This load of 32,000 tonnes is the first of four to be loaded, transported and installed by the 'Simon Stevin'

    Scour protection load


    Jan De Nul Group’s fall pipe vessel ‘Simon Stevin’ recently arrived at the Visnes Eklogitt quarry in Norway to load and transport a first batch of 32,000 tonnes of rock to the Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm in Germany.

  • Yacht Sonar system

    Cerberus sonar installation at OMS


    UK-headquartered Ocean Marine Systems (OMS) has completed the factory installation of Atlas Elektronik UK’s Cerberus Yacht Sonar system at its premises, in partnership with a UK-based security consultant.

  • SSY's P16 is aimed squarely at the military and law enforcement markets

    Stainless steel patrol boat


    It is easy to see the attraction of using stainless steel as a building material for boats because of the lack of corrosion problems and reduced maintenance during the life of the boat. However there are downsides, one of which of course is the higher cost of the material.

  • Siem vessel

    JDR cable work for Beatrice Windfarm


    UK-based JDR Cable Systems (JDR) will provide termination and testing services for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm (BOWL) in Scotland, one of the largest private investments ever made in Scottish infrastructure.

  • Suspected Somali pirates surrender to a US Navy patrol (Photo: US Navy/ Wikepedia Commons)

    Somali spike but global piracy still declining


    London-headquartered specialist risk consultancy Control Risks has recorded a 15% decrease in global maritime security incidents in the first half of 2017, compared with the same period in 2016.

  • News

    Cyber security awareness film follows recent Maersk scare


    Global maritime cyber security awareness campaign, Be Cyber Aware at Sea, has collaborated with Fidra Films to launch a new film which aims to highlight the vital and increasing importance of cyber security across the maritime industry.

  • Liverpool2

    Deepwater Liverpool terminal development continues


    The second phase of a GB£400m investment to create a deepwater container terminal at the Port of Liverpool that will accommodate larger vessels has begun.

  • BIMCO is urging the industry to consider the risk cybercrime may pose to their ships and operations

    BIMCO issues cyber security guidance


    The second edition of BIMCO’s ‘Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships’ issues guidance on insurance and how to handle cyber security during port calls.

  • 'Vole au vent' will soon demobilise and start preparations for its next project in Blyth, UK

    Last blade installed at Finnish windfarm


    The very last blade on the last turbine at the Tahkoluoto offshore windfarm in Finland has been installed by Jan de Nul Group’s offshore jack-up vessel ‘Vole au vent’.

  • Cyberhawk carried out the very first UAV industrial inspection in 2009

    UAV inspection


    Cyberhawk, a UK-based engineering company using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to inspect offshore wind turbines has been named a finalist in two categories at this year’s Energy Innovation Awards.

  • Iberian Peninsula

    DNV GL study promotes LNG


    Norway-headquartered DNV GL has conducted a study into the future LNG market in the Iberian Peninsula, to assess its potential as a marine fuel.

  • News

    French floating wind expo


    A French floating wind expo taking place in October aims to bring stakeholders together across the whole sector to share both knowledge and expertise.

  • L-R: Huib Giesberts, Manager Logistics Department, Total E&P Netherland. Stephen Blaikie CEO Bibby Marine Services

    Renewables-developed vessel proves valuable in the ‘low oil’ environment


    As proof that the right vessels will find work even in the most struggling markets, UK-headquartered Bibby Marine Services has signed a contract with Total E&P Netherland to charter the new Damen designed and built ‘Walk to Work’(W2W) Service Operation Vessel ‘Bibby WaveMaster1’ from April 2018 through to October 2018 ...

  • SEA Europe Assembly

    SEA Europe discuss reorganisation


    36 European shipyard and maritime equipment industry representatives met at SEA Europe’s 2017 General Assembly to discuss its reorganisation and upcoming challenges.

  • News

    A2SEA acquired by GeoSea


    Denmark-headquartered DONG Energy and German Siemens have signed an agreement with Belgian GeoSea stating that GeoSea will acquire the full ownership of A2SEA. A2SEA will continue to operate out of Denmark with offshore wind turbine service and installation.