News 2-10 – Page 310

  • Hydrosearch measurement sampling.

    Thames Wind Farm Survey Completed


    Thales GeoSolutions '' environmental and metocean services division has completed a 13 month oceanographic measurement programme in the outer Thames estuary. The programme was completed for Hydrosearch and is part of a pre-development study for a proposed offshore windfarm.

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    'Tricolor' Salvage Goes Online


    A website launched late last month allows all interested parties to follow salvage operations for removal of the car carrier Tricolor , which sunk in the English Channel following a collision last December.

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    New Swedish Port Terminal Prepares to Take Off


    Malmö ’ s new SEK 220 million Toyota Nordic Hub Vehicle Logistics Centre, which was only opened in May, is now gearing up to double its car handling capability this year.

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    ISS Lands in Umm Qasr


    International marine management company Inchscape Shipping Services (ISS) has been appointed as sole Lloyd’ s Agents for southern Iraq, effective from the first of this month. ISS will be responsible for the region of Iraq south of the 32nd parallel. This territory includes Iraq’ s deepwater port of Umm Qasr ...

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    High-Point Heals Harbour


    Consultants High-Point Rendel have won a contract for repairs to a berthing dolphin at the Immingham Oil Terminal . The contract, awarded by Humber Oil Terminals Trust , is for repairs to dolphin OD1 at Immingham''s No 1 berth which was damaged by a small bulk carrier.

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    Kongsberg Restructure In Place


    The restructuring of marine electronics specialists Kongsberg Maritime, announced at Nor-Shipping in June, came into effect on the first of this month. The subsidiaries Kongsberg Simrad and Kongsberg Maritime Ship Systems (KMSS) now come under the KongsbergMaritime banner in a move to ensure greater knowledge and resource distribution throughout all ...

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    Dive England's Greatest Wrecks


    Published on the final day of seawork2003 , Dive England''s Greatest Wrecks is the perfect companion for any diver interested in exploring England''s most exciting shipwrecks, preserved as time capsules of an era of sea power and majesty that has now passed into the history books.

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    A Nautical Odyssey: A History of The Nautical Institute 1972 - 2002


    After 27 years in the British Royal Navy, the author was Deputy Secretary of The Nautical Institute from 1984 until 1998 and is thus well placed to tell the story of a new organisation created in 1972 to meet the needs of professional mariners.

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    Alfa Laval Acquires Gunclean Toftejorg


    Alfa Laval , specialists in oil treatment, desalinisation and heat transfer solutions for the marine, power and offshore industries, has acquired the Danish Toftejorg Group , including the advanced tank cleaning operation Gunclean Toftejorg .

  • The new Hernis DETEC was on show at Norshipping earlier this month.

    Added Power for Solstad


    Norway''s Ulstein Verft inUlsteinvik has added the powerful new Type A101 anchor handling tug supply vessel Normand Master to the fleet of Solstad Shipping for a wide range of offshore workhorse duties.

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    New Port Management Alliance


    A new alliance has been formed between British Maritime Technology Ltd (BMT) and International Infrastructure Management Pty Ltd (IIM) in Brisbane, Australia. The new company, to be called BMTMaritime Consultants Pty Ltd , will provide port management consultancy services around the world.

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    Norwegian Company in China Shipbuilding Joint Venture


    Norway''s Ulstein has formed a joint venture company with Chinese shipyard Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding which will enable Ulstein to build their own design offshore vessels in the Far East.

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    Construction to Follow Irish Sea Ferry Shake-Up?


    P&O and Stena AB have signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning Stena ''s proposed acquisition of a significant part of P&O ''s ferry operations on the Irish Sea.

  • When the hovercraft carrying demountable platform is raised, the lorry is driven out. The platform is then lowered to the ground and the hovercraft floated off on its air cushion.

    Millbank Pier Turns On A Tourist Magnet


    The new £ 1.8m Millbank Millennium Pier on London''s River Thames is now operational following opening ceremonies late last month presided over by London Mayor Ken Livingstone and attended by an unusual mix of artists, politicians and marine civil engineers.

  • What containers are said to contain is best established at the start of the supply chain. (Photo courtesy of the Port of Felixstowe).

    Secure the Supply Chain, Say Marine Solicitors


    The Commission of European Communities has issued a proposal, the purpose of which is to enhance maritime transport security in the European Union.

  • Trond Eilertsen.

    Oslo Lawyer Praises Norway's Refuge Policy


    Norwegain authorities are better prepared than most to reach a quick and rational decision on whether a vessel in distress should be sent further out to sea or allowed to enter a place of refuge, according to Trond Eilertsen , partner at Oslo based law firm Wikborg Rein .

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    Leisure Marine Activity Up 45% for Bank of Scotland


    Leisure boating activity has shown rapid growth in many parts of the UK this year according to Bank of Scotland Marine Finance .

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    Pollution Penalties Becoming Stiffer


    Last month the Crown Court reduced a fine imposed earlier this year by the Southampton Magistrates Court on the owners of a container ship.

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    Scots and the Sea


    Published this month, Scots and the Sea is a serious work imbued with a strong sense of history by a former naval officer who was present in Tokyo Harbour for the Japanese surrender in 1945 and was serving as Assistant Naval Attache in Moscow at the time of Stalin''s death.

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    The Inland Waterways Manual (Second Edition Revised)


    There are over 3,000 miles of navigable waterway in the UK, with many more in Ireland and Europe. Britain''s inland waterways are currently enjoying a welcome period of restoration and high profile works such as the Falkirk Wheel and the Anderton Boat Lift have caught the public''s imagination.