News 2-10 – Page 283

  • News

    New Pompey-Le Havre Service


    Paris based shipping company LD Lines started operations between Portsmouth UK and Le Havre in France earlier this month. The 1992 built Norman Spirit , with a capacity for 120 trucks and 1,850 passengers, will operate the new service daily. Traffic forecast is for 600,000 passengers and 50,000 trucks per ...

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    Picture Perfect ABP


    Associated British Ports '' latest annual report has won a special award for ''Best Packaging, Visuals & Communication''.

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    Trees for Trafalgar


    One of many events commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar this month is an ambitious tree planting project organised by the Woodlands Trust in the UK. ''Tree for All'' invites anyone to dedicate a tree in the Trust''s new Victory Wood at a site overlooking the sea ...

  • Tanya Budd, Young Engineer for Britain 2005, displays her Hypo Hoist.

    Hypo Hoists Young Engineer Award


      Britain''s most talented young engineers converged on the Old Royal Navy College in Greenwich last month to participate in the 2005 Annual Celebration of Engineering .Taking the top award, Young Engineer for Britain 2005 , and a £ 2,500 prize was 18 year old Tanya Budd of Waingels College ...

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    New UK/Holland Freight Service


    Harwich International Port haswelcomed the first call of a new Nedlines BV ro-pax service. The service between the Essex UK port and IJmuiden in the Netherlands is operated by the MS Envoy and is chartered by Finnlines. It focuses on driver accompanied freight traffic and offers a daily overnight sailing.

  • The Ahoy Rotterdam, new venue for Europort Maritime, will be utilising expanded facilities to accommodate the show.

    Exhibition Season Extravaganza


    The autumn exhibition and conference season is about to deliver a surge of activity for Maritime Journal readers with not one but three major maritime events poised to happen in rapid succession.

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    Seafarer Criminalisation Threat to Safe Manning of Ships


    The London P& I Club has warned that there is a danger that recent moves, particularly in Europe, to criminalise seafarers whose errors have led to accidents could have an adverse effect on safety in shipping.

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    Mock Maritime Mediation at Seatrade International


    The increasingly popular mediation services offered by maritime lawyers were showcased last month at the Seatrade International Maritime Convention , with the staging of a mock mediation by the Maritime Solicitors Mediation Service (MSMS).

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    Multi-jurisdictional Law Lands Shortsea Shipping Deal


    Law firm Eversheds hasadvised Icelandic shipping company Samskip on its acquisition of short sea shipping operator Seawheel.

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    C-MAR Acquisition of Maritime Capital Solutions LLC


    The C-MAR Group hasacquired Maritime Capital Solutions LLC in a further expansion and development of its global services to the maritime and energy industry.

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    The Island Nation: A History of Britain and the Sea


    As we continue through this bicentenary year of Admiral Lord Nelson''s famous victory at Trafalgar and his death in action, this handsome book has been published as the official book of SeaBritain 2005, a year long festival inspired by Nelson and intended to celebrate Britain''s long love affair with the ...

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    Scots and the Sea


    With over six thousand miles of rugged coastline, nowhere in Scotland is more than 45 miles from tidal waters and seven of the biggest towns and cities are seaports.

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    The Sea Survival Manual


    Covered are sea safety checks recommended by the MCA and the RNLI, GMDSS, EPIRBs and SARTs, the liferaft and its contents, grab bags and advice on their contents, medical equipment and advice, safe practices at sea, coping with emergencies on board the craft, including fire, flooding, grounding, collision, heavy weather, ...

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    Lifejacket Gift to OYT


    Crewsaver has gifted its new Crewfit Lifejackets to all the boats in the Scottish Ocean Youth Trust Fleet . The gift includes some 40 275 and 150 Newton Lifejackets , all with integral safety harnesses and embroidered with the OYT Scotland logo. Both organisations see this as the start of ...

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    President Promotes Engineering


    Maurice Storey, recently chief executive of the MCA and currently the 103rd president of IMarEST , will deliver a topical President''s Lecture in London on 11 October in which he will criticise the failure of successive British Governments to recognise the contribution of engineers and technologists to wealth creation and ...

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    Dutch Shiprepair Cooperation


    IMCA Group, the parent company of Amsterdam Ship Repair, has announced its decision to decline from all industrial activities and toconcentrate instead on real estate development. However, the present managers of the yard have confirmed that business will continue as usual under the old name of Shipdock, with which many ...

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    EC Shipbuilding Aid Approved


    The European Commission has approved a 27m scheme in Germany to provide innovation aid to shipbuilding. The scheme is the first of its kind to be approved after the entry into force on 1 January 2004 of the Commission’ s framework on state aid to shipbuilding, which introduced revised rules ...

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    Offshore Upsurge at Lerwick


    The offshore oil industry has contributed to a 5% increase in the volume of cargo handled at Lerwick Harbour in Shetland over the first half of 2005. The high level of industry activity saw 119 oil related vessels calling at Lerwick, up 30% on the same period in 2004, which ...

  • The research vessel Gauss is examining the ecology of the North Sea.

    Hamburg Research Ship Probes North Sea Ecology


    Fifteen scientists and 20 crew members aboard the tough research vessel Gauss were recently involved in Germany''s annual month long check on the ecology of the North Sea.

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    Mariners Reunited at LMGMA


    Liverpool Maritime Graduates & Masters Association haslaunched a website at www. lmgma. co. uk which allows former and current students to enrole online as members, search for other members, catch up on LMGMA news and learn of forthcoming events. The site will establish a global network of maritime professionals who ...