News 2-10 – Page 230

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    A pilot's mouldings


    Southampton UK based GRP and FRP moulder Composite Mouldings Ltd (CML) has won an order to build mouldings for the Lochin 333 Harbour Pilot to be delivered to Plymouth. The order adds to a healthy production schedule which sees CML busy until 2011. CML is now contracted to build mouldings ...

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    Wind in Warsaw


    Abstract submission deadlines have been set for the European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC 2010), which will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 20 to 23 April next year. Over 7,000 delegates are expected for EWEC 2010, which will feature a series of scientific sessions developed in conjunction with the European ...

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    Satellites site tsunamis


    Scientists at America’ s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have demonstrated that tsunamis in the open ocean can change sea surface texture in a way that can be measured by satellite-borne radars. The finding could one day help save lives through improved detection and forecasting of tsunami intensity and ...

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    A job for Saab


    Sweden’ s Saab TransponderTech AB has been awarded a contract from the Romanian Naval Authority to upgrade and expand the country’ s AIS network along the Black Sea coast. Under the contract, Saab will deliver, install and commission four new AIS base stations which will be integrated with the VTMIS ...

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    Continental couplings


    UK specialist pipe coupling manufacturer Teekay Couplings Ltd has launched a German operation, Teekay Rohrkupplunger GmbH at Ratingen, near Dusseldorf. The new company will meet the expanding business potential throughout central Europe, including Germany, Austria and Scandinavia. A logistics team in nearby warehouse facilities will make the complete product range ...

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    Lifeboat Drills Safety DVD


    Walport has completed the filming of its new crew training DVD ‘ Lifeboat Drills – Preparing for Safety’ and will launch this latest addition to its maritime raining film library at the beginning of August. The film addresses the high number of incidents in which crew members have been injured, ...

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    Flexible ceramic heatshield


    Thermal management specialist Zircotec has developed what is believed to be the first ever flexible ceramic heat shield material which can reduce surface temperatures by up to a third. The new lightweight ZircoFlex product delivers thermal protection of vital metal and composite components in marine applications. It is supplied in ...

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    Southampton Port plans for expansion


    The overriding theme of this year’ s Port City Futures (PCFS) Convention, held at Southampton’ s Ocean Terminal last month, was one of growth and expansion.

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    Biomass bonanza for British port


    PD Ports, the owner of Teesport in the UK, welcomed the Government’ s decision last month to approve MGT Power’ s 295MW wood fuelled power station, which is to be built on the South Dock area of the port.

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    First Low Carbon Economic Area launched


    South West England was last month named the UK’ s first Low Carbon Economic Area by the Government in recognition of its marine renewables expertise.


    'Eco-friendly Dredging' seminar in St Petersburg


    The Netherlands based Central Dredging Association (CEDA) is organising an international sustainable dredging seminar this October in collaboration with the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) and the St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbSPU).

  • The Heritage Lottery Fund grant approval for the new Mary Rose museum, shown here in an artist's impression, has been timed perfectly with the 500th anniversary of Henry VIII's accession to the throne.

    Mary Rose grant fully approved


    Celebrations to mark the 500th anniversary of Henry VIII’ s accession to the throne this year have come to a fitting culmination with the announcement that the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has recently given full approval for a £ 21m grant to the Mary Rose Trust.

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    Olympian arrival for Red Jet 5


    Southampton UK based Red Funnel Ferries newest Hi-Speed catamaran was officially named Red Jet 5 on Tuesday by double Olympic Gold medal winning yachtswoman and BBC sports presenter Shirley Robertson OBE.

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    IADC hosts Dredging and Reclamation Seminar


    More than ever in this time of financial downturn, the needs for dredging and land reclamation are being viewed as basic elements for stimulating economic recovery and sustainable growth.

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    Dutch 'House' in Rio


    The Holland Marine House Brazil (HMHB) will be officially opened on 19 August during the Navalshore Trade Show in Rio de Janeiro. HMHB brings Dutch maritime expertise to Brazil, aiming to become the bridge between the shipbuilding South American nation and Dutch maritime industries. HMHB will represent and promote Dutch ...

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    Muller moors Montis


    Muller Maritime Holding has taken a 100% interest in Montis Mooring & Boat Services BV, the Netherlands based provider of boatmen, helmsmen and other related services. Muller owns and operates jointly with Fairplay Towage the towage and salvage company Multraship. The structure of Montis Mooring & Boat Service will remain ...

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    Birthday bonus for RNLI


    A fundraising concert put on by the Port of London Authority has raised over £ 12,000 to help fund the RNLI’ s essential life saving operation on the River Thames. Celebrities from the world of classical music and members of the Royal Family backed the event, which marked the PLA’ ...

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    Export is golden


    UK marine noise and vibration reduction specialist Halyard Marine Ltd has defied the economic downturn, increasing its exports by 34% from July 2008 through June 2009. The export drive started in July 2007 with the appointment of two senior project sales managers to oversee leisure and commercial boat builders in ...

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    Bailey buys out A&P


    The Cardiff based Bailey Group has taken full control UK ship repair and marine services business, the A& P Group, for an undisclosed sum. Property developer and entrepreneur Paul Bailey took a 50% stake in the Group in 2006 and has now purchased the remaining 50% held by A& P ...

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    Shore supply standards


    Genoa based classification society RINA has introduced new voluntary standards which will allow ships to connect to shore based electricity while in port, reducing air pollution. The new notation High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) sets standards to design into a newbuilding or modify an existing ship so that electricity can ...