News 2-10 – Page 217

  • Norman Bridge has been operating between Dover and Boulogne since March this year, with LD Lines bringing the newly named Norman Trader to join it next week.

    LD Lines twin ferries now running together


    Two sisters are getting back together at Dover UK. LD Lines has announced the addition of a second ship to its Dover - Boulogne route, and since it is the first ferry’s twin, its capabilities are well established.

  • 'Deepwater Horizon' exploded on 20 April and the effects, both ecologically and economically, will be felt for years to come.

    Oil disaster rig owner tries to escape liability


    Gulf of Mexico disaster oil rig owner Transocean''s ploy to limit liability will be fought, according to law firms representing Deepwater Horizon workers.

  • The Arctic is suffering from a fractured approach to governance of its resources. Photo: WWF

    Arctic is suffering from ‘governance gaps’


    The legal instruments relevant to protecting the Arctic’s marine environment are numerous, yet also incoherent and incomplete say the World Wildlife Fund.

  • The IIMS is now having an input to maritime surveying operations from Australia to Fujairah

    Marine surveyors look to a global presence


    John Lawrence of the International Institute of Marine Surveyors (IIMS) says that local difficulties need local input, and no end of good ideas from outside the area will substitute for asking people with knowledge of regional laws and regulations.

  • By integrating CCTV with Access Control onto a single PC-based system, CDA Solutions can now offer security systems for any size of vessel or port.

    Quantum leap in security at Seawork


    Following their successful launch into the marine market at Seawork 2009, CDA Solutions Ltd will be unveiling their new Total Marine Security (TMS) concept at this year’s show.

  • A shortage of 27,000 maritime officers worldwide has been forecast by 2015.

    Global shortage of seafarers addressed


    The increasingly severe shortage of seafarers and its future impact on the global maritime industry wasl be addressed at an international seminar at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in London last month.

  • MCA surveyors were involved in ensuring the barge conversion was safe to use.

    MSI helps France invade England


    The long awaited film ‘Robin Hood’ recently hit British screens following a successful debut at the Cannes Film Festival.

  • The sheer area of the Port of Cork provides a major challenge for port security.

    Port of Cork is safe and secure


    The Port of Cork is one of Ireland’s largest and most economically important ports. Over 3,000 ships and 10m tons of cargo pass though the port each year, making it one of the busiest ports in Ireland.

  • The Castor Green Terminal will feature wind turbines as the primary source of power, along with solar photovoltaic roof panels.

    Clean green terminal of the future


    The Norway based shipping company Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has unveiled a concept for a zero emissions ocean cargo marine terminal of the future, powered by the sun and the wind.

  • A new team in the Houses of Parliament has pledged an immediate freeze on the collection of backdated port rates.

    End in sight for backdated UK port rates bills


    ‘The end game is very near’ for the backdated rates bills at ports says Andrew Finfer, the solicitor advising the dock rating groups that has been spearheading the attack on the UK Valuation Agency Office’s incompetent handling of the issue.

  • The coalition intends to deliver at least half a million signatures to governments by IMO World Maritime Day on 23 September.

    Global coalition says, ‘Enough is Enough’


    An unprecedented coalition of organisations, from trade unions to shipowners’ associations and insurers, has joined forces to back a global e-petition demanding concrete action to end the piracy that is putting lives at risk and threatening world trade.

  • A Zodiac H1100 Hurricane RIB equipped with the Shockwave Integrated Control Environment (ICE).

    Polar Bear plans to prove global warming


    Adventurer and TV personality Bear Grylls is planning his next epic RIB adventure, which will take place in August when he traverses Canada’s infamous North West Passage from east to west aboard an 11m Zodiac MACH II Hurricane RIB.

  • The oil spill has been growing at a rate of an estimated 210,000 gallons a day. Photo: NASA.

    Second dome goes down to plug Gulf spill


    The second of BP’s spill containment domes was deployed yesterday in another to attempt to cap off the main oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. However, the action is not yet completed, and there will still be tense moments in the hook-up phase yet to come. The dome has ...

  • Milford Haven has already established itself as a major UK energy port.

    Milford Haven looks to the future


    Milford Haven Port Authority (MHPA) in the UK announced the start of a series of consultations this week as part of a master planning process, the aim of which is to determine the future development requirements of the Port over the next thirty years.

  • The oil spill creeps closer to the Mississippi Delta. Photo: NASA

    Engineering attempt readied to stem US oil spill


    Today the world seems to be holding it’s breath to see if BP’s latest attempt to contain the oil gushing from the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico will work.

  • A shortage of 27,000 maritime officers worldwide has been forecast by 2015.

    Global shortage of seafarers addressed


    The increasingly severe shortage of seafarers and its future impact on the global maritime industry will be addressed at an international seminar at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in London on 11 May.

  • The new report looks at the role the European Union can play to help the maritime sector become more competitive.

    European Parliament report highlights maritime issues


    A European Parliament report highlighting the importance of the maritime transport sector to Europe’s economy, authored by European Conservatives and Reformists member Peter Van Dalen MEP, was adopted yesterday.

  • Forth’s Tilbury facility is the odd one out, as it is the only one outside Scotland.

    Forth Ports rejects third proposal


    The Forth Ports board in the UK has voted unanimously to reject the latest proposal of £14.00 per share from the Northstream consortium that includes competitor Peel Ports. Two previous bids were for £13.40 and £12.85 per share.

  • The impact of high speed craft isn’t just on the water.

    High speed boat operators pursue injury reduction


    The recent High Speed Boat Operations forum highlighted that the biggest factor restricting the use of such craft is not their actual speed but rather, the vulnerability of the human crew and passengers.

  • Another 4GW of UK offshore wind energy is under construction or has planning consent.

    UK offshore wind hits milestone 1GW


    The landmark first gigawatt (GW) of installed offshore UK wind energy capacity was reached this week as two wind farms off the coast of Britain began generating electricity.