News 2-10 – Page 215

  • If the UK is to remain competitive, new port infrastructure decisions must be taken soon.

    UK urged to invest in ports


    RenewableUK, the country’s leading renewable energy trade association, launched a national campaign on Tuesday to highlight the importance of investing in improvements to the UK’s port facilities.

  • The Amerigo Vespucci is working on a multi-year maintenance dredging and channel deepening project for Cameroon’s major port city of Douala.

    Dredger crew kidnapped in Cameroon


    Two crew members of the trailing suction hopper dredger Amerigo Vespucci were kidnapped by an armed gang as the vessel worked in the Cameroon port of Douala on Sunday night.

  • The seminar will take place at the National Maritime Museum, overlooking the River Thames in London.

    Short notice seminar on new fuel regs


    A seminar on The Introduction of Ultra-low Sulphur Biofuels to Estuarial and Inland Waterway Vessels will be held at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich UK on Wednesday 20 October.

  • Marineco UK has named the first HSSV Marineco Shamal and it will operate under the British flag.

    Damen moves into offshore wind farm sector


    The Netherlands’ Damen Shipyards Group has announced the sale of its first ever Twin Axe Catamaran, the Damen High Speed Support Vessel (HSSV) 2610, which is particularly suited for the offshore wind industry.

  • Mistley Marine’s crane barge Spartacus delivered piles last month, which were installed by main contractor Groupbridge.

    Historic light vessel finds a home – ‘probably’


    After many months of party political bickering a berth has been established for the UK’s last remaining manned light vessel at Harwich UK, the town renowned as the home port of these distinctive vessels.

  • SeaGen has met its design goals, with the peak efficiency for both rotors on both tides averaging 48%.

    DNV confirm’s Seagen’s performance


    Norway based Det Norske Veritas (DNV) has certified that the performance of the world’s largest tidal turbine, the 1.2MW SeaGen, has been correctly evaluated according to the Edinburgh Protocol.

  • Ice Prince was one of the casualties reported last year. Photo: MCA.

    MAIB Annual Report 2009 released


    The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s Annual Report for 2009 reveals that 1,663 marine accidents and incidents were reported to the MAIB during the year.

  • The OSD designed Neptune NP1000 full scale demonstrator tidal current generator.

    Ship designer goes with Neptune’s flow


    IJmuiden based Offshore Ship Designer''s first project in the marine renewable energy field will shortly be commencing on site trials in the UK''s Humber estuary.

  • Meridian Marine’s Tiger 12 hovercraft takes to land at speed, something no other type of workboat can do.

    Hovercraft makes offshore wind farm viable


    A hovercraft is making it possible for works to proceed on an offshore wind farm project in the Greater Wash off the UK’s east coast.

  • The Pelamis P2 wave power device snakes its way to Orkney

    Wave power begins test preparation


    The snake-like Pelamis P2 wave power device has arrived in Orkney, in readiness for its connection to the European Marine Test Centre (EMEC) site at Billia Croo.

  • Next generation offshore wind turbines will be tested at two sites in England and two in Scotland. Photo by Peter Barker

    New offshore wind demo sites announced


    The Crown Estate has awarded four companies with leases and exclusivity agreements in England and Scotland respectively to test new wind turbine technology in the marine environment.

  • Fehmarn is built in aluminium alloy, with a specially shaped hull.

    German police patrol boat quartet completed


    German police have taken delivery of the last in a series of four powerful new patrol boats adding a new dimension to supervision of extended coastal waters in an increasingly busy sector of the Baltic.

  • SeaGen is seen in Strangford Lough with its ‘underwater windmill’ rotors raised for maintenance. Note tidal flow past turbine tower. Photo courtesy of Marine Current Turbines.

    Two million kWh milestone for tidal turbine


    Marine Current Turbines’ SeaGen in Northern Ireland, the world’s first and only commercial scale tidal stream energy turbine, has delivered its two millionth unit of electricity into the UK electricity grid.

  • As with previous training courses, the organisers expect the participants will represent a broad range of disciplines and expertise.

    Dredging training goes Moroccan


    Dutch based organisations, the Central Dredging Association (CEDA) and the International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC), will be presenting their jointly developed training course in Africa in November.

  • Zeeland Seaports has 70 hectares of port and quay bound land available for Biopark appropriate businesses.

    Dutch Biopark seeks hot companies


    Stichting Biopark Terneuzen, a Dutch organisation that focuses on the development of sustainable connections between local businesses, is developing a cluster of bio-energy power plants on the Axelse Vlakte.

  • The ShipArrestor trial underway with drifting LNG tanker 'Arctic Princess'.

    Successful full size trial of ShipArrestor


    Miko Marine AS of Oslo has successfully completed the first full scale test of its pioneering ShipArrestor system.

  • The Hartlepool site is also strategically placed for the Dogger Bank’s North Sea expansion zone which the UK Government recently targeted as a preferred site for wind farm technology.

    JDR Cable Systems to double facilities at Hartlepool


    PD Ports has welcomed the decision by a major supplier to the offshore energy sector to more than double its facility at Hartlepool dock.

  • Kirkwall Harbour has seen a lot of the jack up rig ‘Pauline’.

    The ins and outs of a difficult deployment


    Foundations for a tidal current turbine test rig have yet again been delayed – this time by a snapped tow rope. Michael Morrison of Orkney Marine Services explains the ups and downs of the jack up’s problems to MJ.

  • More than 50,000 visitors from over 100 countries are expected to attend SMM 2010. Photo: HMC/H.G. Esch, Ingenhoven Architects (HMCEI)

    Green technology and innovation in spotlight at SMM 2010


    SMM returns to the massive Hamburg Fair site from 7 to 10 September, with over 2,000 exhibitors from more than 50 nations, presenting the latest developments in all sectors of the maritime industries. SMM 2010 is expected to attract more than 50,000 trade visitors from over 100 countries.

  • Beluga is involved in the construction and development of offshore wind farm erector ships for its joint venture with Hochtief Construction AG, Beluga Hochtief Offshore.

    Financial partnership enables Beluga expansion


    Bremen based Beluga Shipping GmbH is planning to make further investments in the super heavy lift market.