Wave International launches new Wavebrite Slimline grey water filter

British manufacturer Wave International has launched a new Wavebrite Slimline filter to support its range of Wavebrite Grey Water systems, which comply with EU Waste Water Standards.

Managing Director Paul Gullett says: “We’ve invested in an extensive period of technical redesign and many hours of product testing to ensure that the new smaller, lighter and lower cost Wavebrite Slimline will perform to the same high standards, without compromising the capability, capacity or most importantly the flow rate of the various Wavebrite products in the market.”

The technology behind developing an effective grey water filter system is complex, and Wave International has over 25 years of expertise creating these sophisticated filter systems designed to ensure that only clean water is pumped overboard.

Ensuring the system can handle up to 15 litres per minute flow rate, the Wavebrite Slimline System first uses a strainer to remove hair and other larger particulates that could damage a pump. The grey water then passes through 2 additional filters to remove sediment, microfibre and microplastics down to 0.5 micron. The partially treated water then passes through the Wavebrite Slimline Filter, which comprises a complex series of sophisticated media, to remove any remaining pollutants, such as phosphates deposited from washing up liquid, shampoos, soaps, sunscreen, moisturisers, etc. The final stage sees any colour and odour removed, before clean water is discharged overboard.  

Wavebrite systems are suitable for any size of leisure vessel and commercial craft such as ferries and crew transfer vessels. The capacity of Wavebrite systems is increased by adding more Slimline filters. The most sophisticated system is the Wavebrite SMART, a one-piece integral unit that includes additional features such as remotely mounted LED and control display panels that provide audible and visual system status and alarms that can also be integrated into the boat’s system.

By fitting a Wavebrite filter system, boat owners and OEMS can be confident that they are improving their environmental credentials, and also, by removing the need to have a grey water tank reduce weight, cost and create additional valuable space on board

With many OEMs now including grey water systems within the initial design and development stage, the Wavebrite Slimline is also ideal for retrofitting onto existing yachts.  In addition, users can fit a Wavebrite Grease Trap which helps remove grease and fats from cooking, prior to going through the Wavebrite Slimline filter.  Depending on use, filters will process 20,000 litres and are easy to replace.   

Paul Gullett, MD of Wave International says “Dealing with grey water is a major issue.  The introduction of the Wavebrite Slimline takes our proven and sophisticated technology and by reducing the overall size and price, makes it easier and more affordable for boaters to implement a grey water filtration system on board. Suitable for a wide range of craft from day boats to cruising sailing yachts, right up to superyachts and commercial vessels, Wavebrite technology removes the need to have a separate grey water holding tank and enables boaters to be confident of maintaining the highest environmental standards wherever they are in the world.  Having vessels fitted with grey water filters also benefits many marinas, which may have to pay to get grey water recycled.”  

The Wavebrite Slimline System is available worldwide through Wave International distributors.  Other products available from Wave International include the Wavebrite Grease Trap, WavebriteTM SMART, Wavestream bilge water filters, Wave MINIBOSS, PROStream filters used to filter water prior to going through a watermaker, Flostream drinking water filters and Waveair tank vent filters which remove smells and odours from below deck.