Key Deals – Page 193

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    Underwater noise is news in Southampton


    The marine environment is subject to both natural ambient noise and man made noise from sources such as shipping, offshore oil and gas platforms, renewable energy generators, seismic surveys, piling, sonar, fisheries and marine aggregate extraction.

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    South Boats finds winners from Seawork


    Isle of Wight based boatbuilder South Boats Special Projects won contracts for four more boats  from the June  Seawork event, a sales surge which operations director Ben Coleman said was worth ' in the region of £ 22m' .

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    Another famous Belgian


    The shipyard has produced a large number of tugs of this type, based on a very successful design from Robert Allan Ltd. Over the years the original design has been refined in the light of experience gained locally and through other operators also using vessels built by Irving. In this ...

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    Harbour Master's views sought


    The shipyard has produced a large number of tugs of this type, based on a very successful design from Robert Allan Ltd. Over the years the original design has been refined in the light of experience gained locally and through other operators also using vessels built by Irving. In this ...

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    Minister supports seafarers


    The Tamar is faster than its predecessor, and is the most technologically advanced lifeboat ever to be produced by the RNLI.UK Shipping Minister Jim Fitzpatrick MP met a delegation of port chaplains from as far away s New Zealand, Brazil and Ghana at the Sailors' Society Global Port Chaplains Conference ...

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    Acquisitive big Brude


    The Tamar is faster than its predecessor, and is the most technologically advanced lifeboat ever to be produced by the RNLI.Brude Safety AS of Aalesund in Norway has purchased the boat and equipment builder Holen AS, which is located at Sula, near Aalesund. Holen AS manufactures marine deck equipment, MOB ...

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    Silence in Iceland


    The Tamar is faster than its predecessor, and is the most technologically advanced lifeboat ever to be produced by the RNLI.Specialist marine exhaust systems designer and manufacturer Halyard has appointed Asafl ehf as distributor or its products in Iceland, where the fishing industry accounts for more than half of the ...

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    Coastwatch website launch


    The Tamar is faster than its predecessor, and is the most technologically advanced lifeboat ever to be produced by the RNLI.The National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) has launched a new website (see incorporating the domain sites and details for every NCI watch station operating around the UK coastline. Of the ...

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    Quayside cable factory


    The Tamar is faster than its predecessor, and is the most technologically advanced lifeboat ever to be produced by the RNLI.Teesport UK based PD Ports has signed a 15 year lease with subsea cable manufacturer JDR Cables Ltd which will provide JDR with a 100,000 sq/ft factory on the deepwater ...

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    Marine industry and environmentalists unite


    Associated British Ports'' (ABP) sustainable manager Peter Barham, in his capacity as Chairman of the Seabed User and Developer Group (SUDG), has welcomed SUDG and the Wildlife and Countryside Link''s (Link) joint statement on the draft Marine Bill, citing it as an excellent example of industry and environmentalists working together ...

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    Port security consultation


    HMS Severn is 79.75loa and utilises a double chine hull form which will provide an improved seakeeping performance compared with the curent Island Class ships as well as superior accommodation. The flexible and efficient design is providing VT with export opportunities, including New Zealand where the design has been short ...

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    Shipping soared in 2008


    British shipping turnover grew from £ 9.5bn in 2007 to £ 11.9bn in 2008, an increase of over 25%, according to new figures produced for the UK Chamber of Shipping by the Office for National Statistics. Sea transport has thus taken third place in the services sector behind financial services ...

  • The joint venture partner for the proposed Bremore Ireland Port has now been selected.

    Master Plan Progress for Bremore Ireland Port


    Bremore Ireland Port Ltd, the joint venture between Drogheda Port Company and Castle Market Holdings Ltd, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a wholly owned subsidiary of Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) to develop a Port Master Plan for the new € 300 million deepwater port at Bremore in north ...

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    Funding Innovation for 'ss Great Britain'


    Work has started in Bristol UK on the redevelopment of land alongside the Great Western Dockyard which will create a £ 3.5m endowment style fund for the future conservation and maintenance of Brunel''s iconic iron hulled steamship ''ss Great Britain''.

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    P&O Ferries Boosts Freight Capacity


    P& O Ferries has agreed to purchase a dedicated freight ferry in order to meet the growing demand for space from haulage customers throughout its operations.The company will take delivery of the ''El Greco'', currently operated by the Spanish shipping line Trasmediterranea, during September and will deploy the vessel on ...

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    Geoff Holt Conquers 'Personal Everest'


    Quadriplegic sailor Geoff Holt successfully completed his ''Personal Everest'' quest to become the first disable person to sail around Great Britain on 5 September when his trimaran passed the South Cardinal buoy in Southampton Water 109 days after setting off. He had sailed 1,455 miles, stopped at 51 ports, and ...

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    Swansea Handling Gets Amazon Online


    The ABP Port of Swansea is serving as the handling facility for thousands of tons of concrete components for a new distribution centre being built by the online retailing giant Amazon on Swansea Bay.

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    New Look Cat in Med Service


    The high speed passenger ferry catamaran Tanger Jet 11 has gone into service between ports in Spain and Morocco for German shipowner Förde Reederei Seetouristik, FRS, after conversion at the BREDO Shipyard in Bremerhaven.

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    Olympics Anticipated at Port of Tilbury


    The Port of Tilbury UK is providing an ideal stopping off point for two river buses travelling from Brisbane, Australia, to their final destination on the River Thames.The vessels, built for the Thames Clippers fleet, arrived at Tilbury on board the Edmongracht, and were unloaded in a carefully planned tandem ...

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    Important Wind Farm Hurdle Overcome


    A potential threat to what is described as the world''s largest wind farm off the north Kent Coast has been lifted following a Government ruling on the siting of the onshore substation. London Array Ltd, a company comprising Shell WindEnergy, E.ON and DONG Energy, is proposing to install up to ...