Key Deals – Page 158

  • The IHC Beaver 40 dismountable cutter suction dredger can now be rented to meet short term dredging requirements.

    Beavers move into dredger rental market


    IHC Merwede has entered the international rental market with its standard IHC Beaver dredgers and DMC work boats.

  • The work of Cornish wooden boatbuilder Marcus Lewis has been thoroughly recorded by the Traditional Marine Skills project.

    Traditional Marine Skills project launch


    A traditionally built dinghy was launched at the Southampton Boat Show last month as part of the project Traditional Maritime Skills (TMS), which is currently recording wooden boatbuilding skills that are in danger of becoming extinct.

  • The first Power Barge hull awaits completion at the ASRY yard in Bahrain.

    New JV launches floating power stations


    Barge based power generation moved into a new dimension on Wednesday with the announcement of a new 82m Power Barge capable of generating 125MW from two aero-derived gas turbine gensets.

  • The UK leads the world in offshore renewable power development.

    UK launches Marine Growth Strategy


    A new strategy that could lead to £8bn growth in the British marine and maritime industry was launched last month by UK Business Minister Mark Prisk at the PSP Southampton Boat Show.

  • Rolls-Royce support vessels are equipped to meet all the challenges of deepwater offshore operations.

    Rolls-Royce wins £50 million contract for anchor handling vessels


    Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has won a £50 million contract to design and equip two anchor handling vessels for Norwegian company Farstad Shipping.

  • A 55 ton bollard pull tug attempts to tow a 93,000 dwt tanker in ideal conditions.

    MP calls for towing gear training


    Northern Isles MP Alistair Carmichael is calling for mandatory training for ships’ crews in the use of emergency towing gear fitted on all large tankers for the past 15 years.

  • From left to right: John Fitzgerald, ABP port director Grimsby & Immingham; Lord Henley; Ian Schofield, ABP engineering director; Tom Jeynes, ABP sustainable development manager Humber; and Andrew Firman, ABP pilotage operations manager, aboard ...

    Humber ports address climate change


    Lord Henley, the British Government’s Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, visited the ABP Humber ports of Hull and Immingham last week.

  • The Royal Alfred Seafarers’ Society home at Weston Acres in Banstead, Surrey provides dedicated accommodation and care to former seafarers and their dependants.

    Merchant Navy Day to lift career awareness


    A group of veteran seafarers encouraged youngsters to consider what has become an important but ‘forgotten profession’ as the UK prepared to celebrate Merchant Navy Day earlier this month.

  • Foxtrot is designed to operate in both pilotage and offshore crew/light cargo transfer roles.

    Malta Pilots receive a second Interceptor


    The Malta Maritime Pilots have taken delivery of a second Interceptor pilot vessel two years after taking delivery of Echo 1, their first Interceptor 42 pilot boat built by Ireland’s Safehaven Marine.

  • A controlled explosion initiated from a safe distance left an underwater crater 20m wide by 4m deep.

    Controlled explosion clears wind farm site


    The explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialist Ramora UK has safely disposed of an unexploded World War II mine at one of the world’s largest offshore wind farms.

  • The redevelopment of Alexandra Dock as Green Port Hull will accommodate one of four original equipment manufacturers in the Humber region expected to be operational by April 2015.

    Humber region wins ‘Enterprise Zone’ status


    The UK’s Humber region was awarded ‘enterprise zone’ status on Wednesday, creating significant financial incentives for new renewable energy businesses.

  • Charity ride cyclists leave BAE Systems’ Govan shipyard, with Lower Block 03 seen in the background.

    First QE Class newbuild block under tow


    The huge midsection of the UK’s first Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carrier has left BAE Systems’ shipyard at Govan for Rosyth, where the aircraft carrier will be assembled.

  • Frya features an unusual beak bow, with the beak above the waterline. Photo: Bernard Shipyard

    French complete fast tender for Germans


    The first of four novel 19.6m monohull pilot tenders, which officials have said are particularly suited for local conditions, is now in test service in the Ems, Elbe and North Sea.

  • Under the terms of the agreement, South Boats Special Projects is now able to produce the Vigilante Workboats designs in GRP and aluminium.

    South Boats purchases Lyme Boats assets


    South Boats Special Projects Ltd has reached agreement with the administrators of Lyme Boats Ltd to purchase the assets of the former boat building company.

  • Hecht is already at work out of Neuses on the Bamberg-Nuremberg stretch of the canal. Photo: WSA Nuremberg

    Danish boat tackles RMD Canal work


    German waterway authorities in Nuremberg have taken the new Danish built multi-purpose workboat Hecht into service for a wide range of water works on the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal.

  • The Lillgrund offshore wind farm features a transformer station which supplies the Swedish national grid. Photo courtesy of Siemens

    EU offshore wind continues to grow


    Offshore wind farms are currently the largest construction projects in Europe according to the European Wind Energy Association in its offshore wind energy statistics for the first half year of 2011.

  • Singapore has been the scene of major land reclamation works over the last 20 years.

    IADC Dredging and Reclamation Seminar


    The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) has announced the 37th International Seminar on Dredging and Reclamation will take place on 24 - 28 October 2011 in Singapore.

  • As all satellite navigation systems are vulnerable to disruption of service, the GLAs insist on terrestrial back-up.

    GLAs launch strategy ‘2025 and Beyond’


    The General Lighthouse Authorities for the UK and Ireland unveiled the marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN) strategy, ‘2025 and Beyond’ in a presentation at Trinity House in London on Monday.

  • Fire on the bulker Yeoman Bontrup, one accident investigated by the MAIB in 2010.

    Marine accident reports published


    The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) have, separately, each published their review of maritime accidents in 2010.