Key Deals – Page 104

  • ‘Smit Elbe’, now running on synthetic diesel to reduce emissions

    Synthetic diesel tug


    Dutch company Royal Boskalis says that the tug ‘Smit Elbe’, which is based in the port of Rotterdam, has become the first tug in the Netherlands to be fuelled with Shell GTL.

  • Passengers were transferred by helicopter to an ice flow.

    Rescue operation in the Antarctic


    Following failed attempts by three icebreakers to reach the research vessel ‘MV Akademik Shokalskiy’ trapped in the Antarctic ice, its 54 stranded passengers were rescued by helicopter on Thursday.

  • Scorpion Ribs says with the DaccR, the vessels "sell themselves"

    Scorpion Ribs unveils its sting


    Scorpion Ribs is the latest user of the Dyena Acceleration Recorder (DaccR), a portable data logger that provides information on ride quality and performance.

  • Have a great one!

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas


    All the very best wishes for a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year from everyone at Maritime Journal.

  • News

    SCI in Rotterdam


    Global emergency marine systems and support services provider Survival Craft Inspectorate (SCI) has opened its 12th office in Rotterdam.

  • 'Titan Discovery' is well suited for surveying in nearshore, estuarine and intertidal environments

    New hydro survey vessel launched


    UK based Titan Environmental Services has launched and tested its new 13m long hydrographic survey vessel at Great Yarmouth.

  • A wind farm support vessel operated by Njord Offshore and flagged with Jersey

    Jersey flagging larger commercial vessels


    The Jersey Flag Administration has reached agreement with the UK to increase the maximum allowed size of commercial vessels on their register to 399gt.

  • News

    Lagoon development project engagement process


    The UK’s Crown Estate has launched an industry engagement process to better understand market interest in future tidal and lagoon projects around the UK, a move prompted by an increase in enquiries from potential developers.

  • The skills base from a long history of shipbuilding is still in Portsmouth, it just needs the orders

    Rescuing southern UK shipbuilding


    A shipping partnership is on a mission to rescue the industry in one of the UK’s prominent shipbuilding towns, following the decision made by defence and security giant BAE Systems to move its shipbuilding division away to the Clyde.

  • The three year old 'Polarcus Naila' will visit Shipdock Amsterdam for a full propulsion upgrade

    Damen refit for seismic vessel


    Shipdock Amsterdam, part of Damen Shipyards Group, has received a contract to upgrade the propulsion of the Polarcus owned 3D seismic vessel ‘Polarcus Naila’.

  • The EU countries met to discuss the future of their industry

    EU disappointed by new Ship Recycling Regulation


    Eight European countries have expressed their disappointment at the new EU Ship Recycling Regulation set to enter into force later this month.

  • News

    Baltic 2 monopiles installed


    All 39 monopiles of the German offshore windfarm, Baltic 2, have been installed in just over two months, despite weather delays.

  • News

    TEAM terminates


    Barcelona based TEAM, which designs, manufactures, installs and maintains passenger boarding bridges for cruise and ferry terminals, is changing its name to ADELTE.

  • Two of the latest 20DF engines will be used in a new dual-fuel ferry to be built by Fassmer

    Wärtsilä equipment for LNG ferry


    Wärtsilä is to supply a full propulsion package and LNG equipment for a new passenger ferry being built for Germany’s Reederei Cassen Eils GmbH.

  • News

    Single Window


    Transport and logistics research and innovation company Inlecom Systems Ltd has launched the first ever guide and checklist to enable maritime authorities and trade organisations to fulfil their obligation to deliver ship reporting formalities in electronic format via a single window.

  • News

    Spanish links


    LD Lines has announced plans to further increase its ferry service network to Spain with the addition of a weekly return sailing to Gijón, linking in with its existing France (St.Nazaire) – Spain (Gijón) route and a recently launched new service between Poole UK and Santander.

  • SeaExplorer can navigate at sea for months gathering subsea data that can be transmitted periodically via satellite back to a ground station Photo: Wiki/Yannlepage

    Underwater glider breaks world record


    Undersea robotics expert, ACSA, has concluded a record breaking mission with its SeaExplorer underwater glider in conjunction with the Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV) oat the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC).

  • News

    ECDIS deal


    Norwegian E-navigation specialist Navtor has the entire Hurtigruten fleet signed up to use its innovative ENC Service.

  • News

    Naval conservation


    The British Royal Navy has adopted a new approach to minimising its impact on the environment that could become a blueprint for other Naval services.

  • News

    ECDIS for dredgers


    Germany’s Pronautas BV GmbH and Belgium’s Jan De Nul Group have announced a new partnership to roll out an ECDIS implementation program onboard Jan De Nul vessels.